Scott Covert started exhibiting his artwork in 1979 at Club 57 in New York at a show curated by the now deceased famous New York artist Keith Haring. I find this element of Scotts Bibliography curiously apropos with the work he’s involved with now being his “Grave Rubbings”. Working on large canvas sheets Scott starts out doing single rubbings, but the work quickly evolved into what he thinks of as cocktail parties for the dead (more or less), in which he puts together the guest list. As with any good party, the original list often gets blurred, with names added and deleted on the spur of the moment. In Scott’s work, one person sometimes gets layered over another, reflecting not only the randomness of life and death, but of memory and history. Lives get covered over, perhaps forgotten.
They are portraits, in a sense, and they reveal the intensely personal connection Scott makes with his “subjects” while on his knees, on their graves, rubbing away and meditating on their lives. Certainly, there is a Dr. Frankenstein element here as well, almost a sense of re-animation through the hand of the artist, and in the combinations of different elements with the various personalities.

Scott Covert is being shown right now in Illinoios at at Plan B Gallery, 7453 W. Madison; Forest park Illinois.
His web site is at:
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