When I read the headline I immediately assumed Ms. Hilton had overdosed due to the stress of her upcoming prison sentence, another victim of the live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse philosophy.
But no, it was a work of art by by artist Daniel Edwards, recently exhibited in New York. Famous for his Britney Spears on all fours giving birth (story here) and his bust of Hillary Clinton showing her breast (story here)

Paris Hilton Autopsy
May 11 - 30 2007
Collectors Catalog Available
NEW YORK, N.Y. - Apr. 26 - Paris Hilton's naked "corpse" could provide an invaluable service to students preparing for prom this season. An interactive Public Service Announcement featuring the graphic display of a tiara-wearing, autopsied Paris Hilton with removable innards is designed to warn teenagers of the hazards of underage drinking. The display also features Tinkerbell, Hilton's forlorn pet Chihuahua with matching tiara, and debuts in the trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood where prom-goers frequently dine, courtesy of Capla Kesting Fine Art.
"Paris herself would probably take one look at the installation and draw, "Dude, I look great. DUI death is hot."" - New York Magazine - The Fug Girls
"There's something about disemboweling a homunculus of Hilton that screams fine art," - - Wired Magazine
"a bizarre art campaign to warn against the dangers of drunk driving." - The New Zealand Herald
"Through an extraordinary alchemic transform- ation, Paris Hilton's life has been given meaning." - Dallas News
"Daniel Edwards seems to be tapping into as many symbolic veins as he can: birth, life and death– and commerce" - C. Antonio Romero - Culture Kiosque
"Hot!" - Fox News